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发布时间:2011/7/5  阅读次数:476  字体大小: 【】 【】【

       1.Think about what you are good at. Are you good at mathematics? English? Baseball? Playing with little kids? Counting sheep?


       2.Decide whether you would like to further that area. Would you like to deal with numbers all day long? Write a book? Play major league baseball? Become a teacher or daycare helper? Put sheep…um…on walls?


       3.Find a way to incorporate that subject into your job. If necessary, get a new job with more relation to that area. For example, there may not be many openings for a major league baseball star, but for a baseball coach? Go check your town's local Little League!


       4.Do your job carefully and well. Your job is not busy work at all- it should be important to you and to the people employing you.


       5.Forget about what you're bad at. There is time to deal with that later.


       6.You might not be able to find a job that you can practice your expertise at. That's okay: you can do some of it in your spare time, or find a group of friends to do it with.


       7.If you are under eighteen, you can most likely find a job as a "helper" with other businesses, be a tutor, or work in the childcare business, such as babysitting or being a mother's helper.


       8.If you can't think of anything you are particularly good at, try new things. But be careful not to skip around too much; you can end up becoming directionless.


       9.Do not accept a job below minimum wage, no matter how small the job is.


       10.If your main goal in a job is to earn lots of money, this may not be for you. Teachers don't usually earn a lot, and Little League coaches often work for free. Take a minute to readjust your perspective and try to make doing something you like your main priority.


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